Microsoft’s Phil Moore, the head of mobility in the UK, has stated to technology magazine "Network World" "that the company’s latest iteration of the Windows Mobile will not be ready for launch until a later part of the year 2010."
With all the hype being around Microsoft's latest operating system Windows 7, they have certainly taken a backward step when it comes to the mobile phone market. Google has just released their Android phone which is set to gain a lot of the market share, it already has 3.5 percent of mobile users converted to the phone while Microsoft is just maintaining a little over 8.5 percent. Windows 7 mobile is expected to be feature rich giving exactly what they want from the package, which will include easier touch-based user interface (UI) and updates to its browser that brings the rendering engine of Internet Explorer 6 onto Windows Mobile. That update is still expected this year, which should pave the way for Windows Mobile phones to display feature-rich web pages with AJAX and Flash.
Microsoft is also making a push to have their own carrier service which has a lot of other carriers worried, this is where they might gain more popularity and offer a better service because they state that Microsoft's business model is friendlier to hardware makers and cell phone carriers than those of rivals, including Google.
What do you think as the reader? Will this phone every gain popularity or are they to late due to fact it wont be released to latter 2010?
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